Uchimura Co., Ltd.

Environmental Initiatives

1. Fundamental Principles

In accordance with our corporate principles of “precisely responding to our customers’ needs”, “being a company that is trusted by society” and “being a company where the employees can work with pride”, Uchimura Co., Ltd. will aim towards the coexistence of business activities and the Earth’s environment. Uchimura will contribute to society as a corporation by obtaining Eco Stage certification, while all of our employees proactively work towards the continuous improvement of environmental issues.

2. Fundamental Policy

  • (1)  Uchimura will consider the environmental impact of our business activities, administrative activities as well as our products and services, and will undertake the following environmental management activities.
    • ①    Promoting the conservation of energy and resources
    • ②    Reducing logistics costs
    • ③    Reducing defects in product quality
    • ④    Improving operational efficiency
  • (2)  At the same time as setting up environmental goals/targets and activity plans and reevaluating their suitability every year, we will also strive to continuously improve our environmental management system to prevent pollution.
  • (3)  We will observe laws, agreements and other requirements that are related to the environment.
  • (4)  We will encourage environmental education in order for everyone that works at Uchimura to understand the environmental management initiatives policy, so that they can carry out activities that are in accordance with this policy.
  • (5)  We will publicize this environmental policy among all employees so that it will be implemented and maintained without fail. In addition, we will make this publicly available in response to outside demands.


Please contact us if you have any questions or if you have a matter you would like to consult with us about.

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